• Libellé inconnu,

The Politics of Consumer Credit

Publié le 28 novembre 2016 Mis à jour le 29 juin 2017

du 8 décembre 2016 au 9 décembre 2016

Max Weber building, room 1

10-11.30 am
a guided tour (English) of the historical headquarters' Société générale bank, 
29 boulevard Haussmann, Paris 9

1.30 pm Introductory Remarks
Sean O’Connell and Sabine Effosse

2-4.30 pm Part I – Consumer Credit and Access to Consumption
Maria Rosaria de Rosa, University of Napoli
“Citizens and Consumers. The Credit Path in Italy during the Economic Miracle (1950s-1960s)”

Sabine Effosse, Paris Université Paris Nanterreniversity
“Consumer Credit in 1950s-1960s France: from a Default Choice to a Trivial Means to Benefit from the Affluent Society”

Sean O’Connell, Queen’s University of Belfast
“Class, Race and Gender in Britain’s Age of Truth in Lending: Consumer Credit after 1974”

10-12.30 am Part II – Many shades/shapes of Consumer Credit

Gilles Laferté, CNRS-INRA Dijon
“Crédit noir and sub-Prime Credit: the Worker-Consumer and Doorstep Credit in Twentieth Century France and Britain”

Fabian Engel, University of Göttingen
“The German Cooperative Banks and Consumer Credit”

Orsi Husz, University of Uppsala
“De-Vicing Consumer Credit in 1960s-1970s Sweden”

1.30-3.30 pm Part III – Moralizing the Consumer Credit Market
Joost Jonker, University of Amsterdam (Business History) & International Institute for Social History
“From Hapless Victims of Desire to Responsibly Choosing Citizens. The Emancipation of Consumers in Law Countries’Consumer Credit Regulation”

Gunnar Trumbull, Harvard Business School
“The Moral Life of Markets: the Rise and Fall of Small Lending in England, America and Japan”

3.30-4 pm Concluding Discussion


Sabine Effosse, Paris Nanterre University
Sean O’Connell, Queen’s University of Belfast

Crédits : Archives historiques BNP Paribas. Conception et réalisation : Delphine Mondout, Université Paris Nanterre, Direction de la recherche, IDHES (UMR 8533)

Mis à jour le 29 juin 2017